Title: A Tale Of Two Grocery DCs: Boost Order Selector Productivity 8-15% While Adapting to High Demand And Social Distancing
Duration: 20 minutes + Q&A
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Learn How AI Technology Can Boost Productivity While Adapting To Social Distancing
Many grocery DCs are facing the best of times and the worst of times, all at the same time. Grocery demand has increased as people are staying close to home, but increased demand has accentuated existing labor challenges in grocery DCs. What’s more, facilities have had to adjust to COVID-19 safety concerns, which is increasing costs and created new obstacles to improving labor efficiency.
This fast-paced 20-minute virtual lunch-and-learn shares a novel approach for boosting selector productivity using artificial Intelligence, while simultaneously improving frontline safety.
What You’ll Learn
- How have DCs adapted to enable physical distancing, and how has that affected operations.
- Why are the common approaches to improving selector productivity falling short today.
- How can AI technology be used to address the root cause of the productivity challenge.
- Field results using this new AI technology in other DCs.
Title: A Tale Of Two Grocery DCs: Boost Order Selector Productivity 8-15% While Adapting to High Demand And Social Distancing
Duration: 20 minutes + Q&A
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Learn How AI Technology Can Boost Productivity While Adapting To Social Distancing
Many grocery DCs are facing the best of times and the worst of times, all at the same time. Grocery demand has increased as people are staying close to home, but increased demand has accentuated existing labor challenges in grocery DCs. What’s more, facilities have had to adjust to COVID-19 safety concerns, which is increasing costs and created new obstacles to improving labor efficiency.
This fast-paced 20-minute virtual lunch-and-learn shares a novel approach for boosting selector productivity using artificial Intelligence, while simultaneously improving frontline safety.
What You’ll Learn
- How have DCs adapted to enable physical distancing, and how has that affected operations.
- Why are the common approaches to improving selector productivity falling short today.
- How can AI technology be used to address the root cause of the productivity challenge.
- Field results using this new AI technology in other DCs.
Boost Order Selector Productivity 15-20%
In trials with several food and grocery DCs, Lucas DWO demonstrated travel savings ranging from 15-22 percent through optimized batching. Path optimization generated an additional 5-15 percent savings.