Artificial Intelligence is coming of age in the DC – don’t be left behind

The distribution center is a target rich environment to use AI to optimize performance. DC operators that fail to adopt AI will lag behind their competition. That is one of many findings of an independent survey of 350 companies in the US and UK.

Read this white paper to understand key AI concepts, see how others are using the technology today, and get actionable insights you can use to jump start your projects and achieve your AI potential.

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. DC Automation on a Steady Rise but Confusion Exists around AI
  3. Big Expectations for AI Impact
  4. Company Gaps Exist in Knowledge and Expertise
  5. Making Sense of AI
    1. Weak AI vs. Strong AI
    2. AI vs. Machine Learning
  6. The Three Types of Machine Learning
    1. Supervised
    2. Unsupervised
    3. Reinforcement
  7. Start Achieving Your AI Potential
  8. Five Fast Start Opportunities for AI
    1. Dynamic Slotting
    2. Workflow Orchestration of People, Assets, and Machines
    3. Workforce Planning
    4. Performance Management
    5. In-Warehouse Travel Optimization
  9. Achieve Your AI Potential

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