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Thanks for requesting access to our video library! You will receive an email shortly with a link to the library. If you have an urgent request, you can reach us by phone at 724-940-7000 during normal business hours.

While you’re waiting for your access to our video library, here are some additional resources you might find interesting related to our voice-directed applications:

    • Voice Picking Introduction– A high-level overview of how voice-directed picking and other applications can improve accuracy and efficiency in your DC operations.
    • Lucas Move Mobile Applications on Smartphones– Read about how Lucas customers are using Android-based smartphones for voice picking and other Lucas applications, and get answers to frequently asked questions about using consumer devices in the DC.

Warehouse Optimization at Direct Relief

Efficient and accurate fulfillment is not just critical, it is lifesaving. Direct Relief implemented the Lucas solution to assist them in the distribution of medical supplies for emergency relief. We are very proud to partner with Direct Relief in accomplishing their wonderful mission.