Since 1998 we’ve partnered with hundreds of companies from Fortune 50’s to single site distributors, to help them transform DC operations and adapt to change. Over time we’ve built a deep industry expertise for your unique challenges and requirements.
We help beverage producers, beer distribution companies, and wine & spirit distributors adapt to change with optimization solutions that improve DC productivity, accuracy and efficiency.
“Any time our picking volume exceeded about 45,000 pieces per day we would have overtime, and new store openings added to the overtime. With Lucas we can do more than 60,000 pieces without overtime.”

Food and Grocery
We help food producers, grocers, convenience stores and foodservice distributors adapt to change with optimization solutions that improve DC productivity, accuracy and efficiency.
“Our case picking rates were about 135-145 cases per hour in the old system and now it is about 180, which is a greater than 25 percent increase in productivity. In addition, selection errors were reduced by 44% within months of implementation. We have improved the productivity and quality of life for selectors.”
We help industry-leading medical, dental, pharmaceutical and veterinary distributors, IDNs, and health product manufacturers adapt to change with optimization solutions that improve productivity, efficiency and accuracy.
“What it used to take 12-14 people to pick in one shift, we can now do with 8-10 people. The previous average picking rate in the LUM area was 50-56 lines per hour (LPH). Today it is 100-110. That is a 100% improvement, and in bulk picking, the number is about 20 percent.”

Industrial and Manufacturing
We help industrial supply, MRO, HVAC, electrical and other parts distribution adapt to change with optimization solutions that improve DC productivity, accuracy and efficiency.
“You rarely implement a new system and have users tell you ‘It’s made my life so much easier!’ Making the processes better for associates makes them more productive. And that’s better for the business.”