Wexford, PA – August 4, 2021 — Artificial Intelligence is a warehouse game changer, but organizations are struggling to use it optimally, according to market study insights released today from Lucas Systems.
Lucas Systems, a leading provider of voice and warehouse optimization software for fulfillment and distribution centers, today announced a partnership with Silicon Valley-based Fetch Robotics to enable the next generation of smart warehouses. Through the partnership, Lucas and Fetch will offer tailored solutions to orchestrate and optimize how warehouse workers interact in harmony with Fetch’s autonomous mobile robots (AMRs).
Fulfillment and distribution centers are under tremendous pressure due to growth in e-commerce combined with a shrinking labor market. Lucas executives say its clients need help increasing throughput and maintaining high worker productivity while meeting accuracy and more stringent customer delivery requirements. These market pressures have led to rethinking old models and focusing on new, innovative ways to improve DC performance.
“The future environment of warehouses and distribution centers will be a mix of people, robots, machines, and systems all working together. The precise orchestration of all the pieces will be key to achieving a competitive advantage in performance,” said Ken Ramoutar, Chief Marketing Officer at Lucas Systems.
“The combination of Lucas’ AI based warehouse optimization software and Fetch’s broad portfolio of AMRs enables optimized order, batch, case, and pallet picking in distribution centers and automates virtually any manual material movement in a facility,” said Stefan Nusser, Chief Product Officer at Fetch Robotics. “This enables our joint customers to increase picking efficiency, reduce cycle times, and reduce the impact of labor shortages.”
“That intersection of how people and robots work together is a hugely important and often overlooked part of the warehouse automation equation, but it’s where a lot of the unseen value exists,” says Ramoutar.
The combined solutions from Fetch and Lucas will materially redistribute the division of labor in the warehouse. Robots will manage tasks best suited for machines, and this will free up warehouse workers to focus on higher-valued work. In an AMR-supported picking workflow orchestrated by Lucas, for example, a worker can avoid a lot of unnecessary walking by picking items to a tote on a Fetch AMR, directing the AMR to a conveyor system to unload, and then triggering another robot to move into place for the worker to continue picking.
About Lucas Systems
Lucas Systems technologies helps companies transform their distribution center operations and continuously adapt to changing market dynamics. We help dramatically increase worker productivity, operational agility, and customer satisfaction using voice and AI optimization technologies. Visit www.lucasware.com
About Fetch Robotics
Fetch Robotics is an award-winning intralogistics automation company headquartered in Silicon Valley. By combining autonomous mobile robotics with the power of the cloud, the Fetch Cloud Robotics Platform provides on-demand automation solutions for material handling and inventory management, with the power to find, track, and move almost anything in any facility. Visit www.fetchrobotics.com