First In Class Industrial Speech Recognition Technology
Unlike consumer speech recognition systems, industrial solutions require near-perfect recognition accuracy, even in a noisy environment with a widely diverse user population. To meet these demands, every Lucas voice-directed mobile application includes our industry leading dual-recognition speech recognition ensuring workers are understood quickly and accurately, every time they speak.
What’s Different About Our Speech Recognition?
Lucas incorporates the latest advances in speech recognition technology with additional noise filtering and audio processing technologies to ensure near-perfect recognition in harsh industrial settings.
We ensure optimal recognition with dual-recognition technology
Our speech recognition utilizes multiple simultaneous recognition strategies (phonetic and word-based) to ensure optimal recognition, even for users with non-standard accents or non-standard speech patterns who may struggle to get acceptable recognition with other speech systems.
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Our voice applications do not require voice training
Unlike consumer-oriented recognition systems used for automated call routing and other customer service applications, industrial speech systems are designed to optimize recognition for each individual user. While traditional speaker-dependent systems require 20-30 minute voice training sessions, Lucas speech recognition requires no user training. (While people use Lucas without training, the system is not speaker-independent.)
Learn about our voice applications →
Our speech recognition automatically adapts to its environment
Lucas speech recognition automatically adapts to sudden and frequent changes in background noise, and the system adapts to users, even as their speech patterns change in the course of a single shift (due to fatigue, for example), or from day-to-day. Even with cutting edge voice picking headsets, many legacy voice recognition systems required users to record a new model as they became accustomed to the system and started to speak more quickly. With Lucas voice recognition workers never need to retrain, and they are able to tune the system to better recognize individual words or phrases.
Jennifer™ speaks and listen in 30+ languages
Jennifer™ voice is available in 30+ languages (Spanish, Mandarin, German, French, Arabic, etc.). DCs can mix and match languages within applications to support a diverse work environment.
Contact us to see which languages we offer →
Picking By Voice Requires Better Recognition
Voice directed warehousing greatly improves DC productivity, but speech recognition accuracy is critical to user adoption and efficiency. If a warehouse worker using a voice picking system has to repeat him- or herself, or if the speech recognizer mis-recognizes commands, the user’s productivity suffers. Repetitive voice picking training can also put a drag on flexibility and productivity. Equally important, recognition errors frustrate users and can lead to worker resistance to using voice picking technology.
From a dollars and cents perspective, every five percent difference in recognition accuracy – 99% accuracy versus 94%, for example – translates into 2-6 minutes of productivity benefit per user per day (depending on pick rates and other factors). While the individual time benefit of better accuracy is small, the cumulative benefit for operations with large numbers of users is significant.